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Here will be a list of all of the characters in CATS and a basic profile of who they are. (In order of appearance in credits on the video.)


Elaine Paige ("Grizabella")

Grizabella a.k.a. Grizabella the Glamour Cat got into prostitution when she was younger and, now that she is older and not as able, is shunned by all of the Jellicle tribe. None of them want anything to do with her, they won't even touch her. Jemima and Victoria are the ones who see how much pain she is in and always try to reach out but are stopped by their elders. In the end, Jemima sings a song to help everyone realize how they're treating Grizabella and Victoria finally touches her, causing everyone else to accept her and to choose her to go to the Heaviside Lair.


Ken Page ("Old Deuteronomy")

Old Deuteronomy is kind of like the "kitty god" if you will. He is the overall ruler of the Jellicles and he comes once a year to attend the Jellicle Ball, make the Jellicle Choice, and chooses the cat who will go to the Heaviside Lair.
"Then Old Deuteronomy just before dawn with a silence you feel you could cut with a knife, announces the cat who can now be reborn and come back to a different Jellicle life..."


Michael Gruber ("Munkustrap")

Munkustrap is like the leader of the Jellicle tribe under Deuteronomy. He was probably appointed by Deuteronomy (some even think he's Deuteronomy's son) because he's not always there and they need some kind of leader. He is very protective of the entire tribe, especially his mate, Demeter. He is also the narrator of the tribe. Some believe that, as said above, Deuteronomy is his father and Rum Tum Tugger and Macavity are his brothers...I personally like that idea.


Aeva May ("Demeter")

Demeter is either the sister or best friend of Bombalurina. We're not positive which but we do know that they are very close and that Bombalurina is very protective of Demeter. Demeter is Munkustrap's mate. Like Bombalurina, it is believed that Demeter had some sort of relationship with Macavity in the past but hers turned out wrong. Everytime something goes wrong she yells, "Macavity!" and when he finally attacks he goes straight for her to begin with. She is timid around all of the toms but quite motherly towards the kittens and the queens that are younger than she is.


James Barron ("Bustopher Jones")

Bustopher Jones is a very respected Jellicle. He is only in one scene in the movie. It seems that he is a very wealthy cat because of his exquisite taste and his size. "He's a 25 pounder!"


Drew Varley ("Mungojerrie")

Mungojerrie, another favorite of mine, is the brother of Rumpleteazer. Although both he AND his sister get into trouble, he has a bit of a bigger name than Teazer does and he often takes all the credit and leaves her out, but she quickly reminds him that she had a hand (or paw) in it, too! He is at one point associated with Macavity by Demeter...But I don't think our dear Mungo would stoop so low. At least I hope not! One of his main character traits is his vest that he wears (it is the same color as his fur). Like Rumple, he probably stole this vest from his owner, as well.


Jacob Brent ("Mistoffelees")

Mistoffelees a.k.a. Magical Mr. Mistoffelees (and Quaxo in some stage performances) is one of the younger toms. He has magical powers yet he still can't fully control them. As he keeps working on them, though, his powers get better and better and easier to control. It is most commonly agreed that his mate is the beautiful white cat, Victoria. Others say that his mate is Cassandra. I personally think that it is Victoria.
"Not long ago this phenominal cat produced seven kittens right out of a hat..."
-Rum Tum Tugger


Phyllida Crowley Smith ("Victoria")

Victoria is the beautiful white cat that has many many solo dancing numbers. She is very flexible and is not a kitten but not yet a queen. Her mate is usually agreed to be Mistoffelees (or Quaxo). He is her escort to the Jellicle Ball. She seems to be one of the wiser cats and she is a respected member of the Jellicle tribe. She is a gorgeous cat and very fun to watch.


Veerle Casteleyn ("Jemima")

Jemima (or Sillabub in some productions) is the youngest kitten of the Jellicle tribe. Yet for her young age she seems to be one of the wisest. She sees everyone for who they really are and she is very accepting. (Remember, she is one of the cats who helps to get Grizabella accepted back into the tribe.) She is an excellent dancer but her singing is even better. She has a few solos and her voice is absolutely stunning. She is a very beautiful cat, and, if you can't tell, one of my favorites!


Kaye Brown ("Tantomile")

Tantomile is the twin of Coricopat (it wouldn't let me put their pics together *pouts*). She is very rarely seen without her twin, with the exception of about 2 or 3 numbers. She is a witch's cat and has telepathic powers, some even say she has the ability to see into the future. She and Coricopat's costumes are exactly the same and they have to be in sync for almost the entire show.
"Can you ride on your broomstick to places far distant?"


Leah Sue Morland ("Electra")

Electra is a kitten who is usually in the back except for in the song "Rum Tum Tugger." She is right up front and fawning over Tugger along with the other kittens. She is one of the cutest to me and like Pouncival, is fun to watch.


Fergus Logan ("Tumblebrutus")

Tumblebrutus. Yet another background Jellicle who's fun to watch. He's so cute! He's also one of the younger toms.


Femi Taylor ("Exotica")

Exotica is barely seen at all. She doesn't have any solos or dance solos. She is a background character and I don't think she really has a purpose at all. She's in barely any scenes and when she is she's almost never in the camera's range.


Rebecca Parker ("Cassandra")

Last, but certainly not least, Cassandra is the mate of Alonzo. She, like Coricopat and Tantomile, is a siamese and a mystical cat. Almost everytime you see her she's turning cartwheels or striking some sort of Egyptian pose. She's a very beautiful cat.


Sir John Mills ("Gus the Theatre Cat")

Gus the Theatre Cat is a cat who is now past his prime. He used to be one of the greatest "actors" of his time and is now to old to keep up with that. He also has palsy which makes his paws shake. He is in some way connected to Jellylorum who watches after him and takes him off to settle him down when he gets upset. He loves to tell stories about how great he was with his friends in their club which takes place at the back of the neighboring pub. But according to him the best role he played was Fireforefiddle and he sometimes gets emotional when talking about it and sees himself in the past in that role.


Rosemarie Ford ("Bombalurina")

Bombalurina is the "scarlet queen." She is the sexiest Jellicle and she is always flirting with a tom, usually Rum Tum Tugger. Many say that she is either the sister or the best friend of Demeter, whom she is very protective of. Others also believe that she used to have some sort of connection, whether it be a relationship or something else, with Macavity. She's not as afraid of him as the rest of them are and she seems to talk about him as if she's attracted to him. She tends to be attracted to the rebels.


John Partridge ("Rum Tum Tugger")

Rum Tum Tugger is the rebel of the Jellicle tribe and does pretty much whatever he wants. He has all of the kittens and young queens fawning over him, although Munkustrap, most of the toms, and the older queens don't approve of his behavior. The toms probably don't approve because they're jealous, the older queens probably don't approve because they would be like our elders of today...His movements and gestures are probably too vulgar for their taste. He likes to flirt around with Bombalurina and goes to her during the mating dance, but he seems to have a soft spot for Jemima.


Geoffrey Garrat ("Skimbleshanks")

Skimbleshanks a.k.a. Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat is, as his title says, the cat of the railway train. As he puts it, it was he who was in charge of the sleeping car express. He is a very loveable character, very animated. It seems that he is very respected among the other cats, maybe because he's older? Or possibly because he's just an all-around good guy?


Jo Gibb ("Rumpleteazer")

Rumpleteazer, one of my personal favorite Jellicles, is one of the youngest queens. She is another one of the little rebels. Her brother (debated...some say brother, others say mate, other say both...they're's ok.) and she are always getting into trouble and causing mayhem in their home. They make their home in Victoria Grove. She is usually known by her calico color and her string of pearls she wears. (She stole them from her owner.) She is a very rambunctious and hyper Jellicle. Definately a loveable character!


Susie McKenna ("Jennyanydots")

Jennyanydots a.k.a. The Gumbie Cat is the do-gooder of the Jellicle tribe. She has taught the mice nice, peaceful ways to pass time such as crocheting. She has also turned the cockroaches into helpful boyscouts. "With a purpose in life and a good deed to do."


Susan Jane Tanner ("Jellylorum")

Jellylorum is one of the oldest queens and is believed by some people to be the niece of Gus the Theatre Cat. She doesn't play a very large role but has a lot of little one-liner solos. She has no dance solos, nor does she dance very much at all. She is one of the queens that is disgusted by the actions of Rum Tum Tugger.


Bryn Walters ("Plato and Macavity")

Plato is more of a background cat. You don't see him very often in the movie except for the scene that he takes Victoria's innocence.
Macavity a.k.a. Macavity the Mystery Cat, however, is the evil cat of the tribe. He was exiled and is called the Hidden Paw because whenever something goes wrong, he is nowhere to be found.
"Macavity's a mystery cat, he's called the Hidden Paw. For he's the master criminal who can defy the law. He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the flying squad's despair. For when they reach the scene of crime Macavity's not there!"


Tommi Sliiden ("Coricopat")

Coricopat is the twin of Tantomile (it wouldn't let me put their pics together *pouts*). He is very rarely seen without his twin, with the exception of about 2 or 3 numbers. He is a witch's cat and has telepathic powers, some even say he has the ability to see into the future. He and Tantomile's costumes are exactly the same and they have to be in sync for almost the entire show.


Karl Morgan ("Pouncival")

Pouncival is another one of the background characters. Although he doesn't get very much time on film he is very fun to watch whenever he's in the back. He'll decide in random points throughout the show to do a handstand and click his feet together, do a flip, jump off of a high object, etc. He's such a cute kitten!


Jo Bingham ("Etcetera")

Etcetera is one of the younger kittens. She can dive through the air like a flying trapeze. ;-) She is incredibly hyper! She is absolutely crazy over Rum Tum Tugger. I think it is safe to say that she is the most hyper of all of the kittens.


Jason Gardiner ("Alonzo")

Alonzo seems to be Munkustrap's right-hand man. He is Cassandra's mate and he is such a cutie!!! He always wants to take control with Munkustrap and protect him.


Frank Thompson ("Rumpus Cat and Admetus")

Rumpus Cat only has one scene where he is the hero that breaks up the battle between the Pekes and the Pollicles. Other than that he doesn't have a purpose.
Admetus is yet another background cat. You don't see him very often, but he is one of the older toms. He tries to calm down Tugger at one point, but, as we all know, that doesn't work.

If any of the cast members has a web site dedicated to just them, I might include a link to it here.